Sunday, October 17, 2010


Goth is a word, like many others. Emo, too. And fag. Prep. Nerd. Geek. Loser. Misfit.
It's the small minded fools who fill our society with labels.
But I am the dawn of a new life.
I am part of a movement, an idea.
A collective revolution of body, mind, and soul.
I am Generation Z.
Generation I.
Internet Generation.
I am "we."
We are the Digital Natives.
The young of the world choose its path.
The path is spiraling out of control.
Hatred grows along side acceptance, both in a deadlock.
One will never exist without the other. Yin. Yang.
We need them both.
But we are not happy when both exist, we are split.
Humanity is a stagnant beast with horns and a halo.
We are neither good nor evil. We just are.
We are.
This world we thrive on, feast on, is what we have made it to be.
That is what happens when the world is left in the hands of the young. We are inexperienced.
Who is it that controls our puppet strings? has many names.
What will happen in the hazy mist we can't see through? Our future?
All these words will be forgotten.
It'll be left up to the next generation.
Only then...I hope we're free.